Work Placement

Tired of juggling paperwork and spreadsheets while managing diverse work placements?

Our work placement software has been designed to enhance the efficiency and productivity of the entire learner placement process linking learners to employers and enabling providers to control the placement process.

Collsys offers a single platform to efficiently manage T-Levels, CDF Placements and Study Program experiences, automating the business process to reduce costs and eliminate errors, giving you tangible benefits using the latest technology.

Our software tracks attendance, logbooks and agreements alongside our Student Web App and our comprehensive Reports Suite. Automating the administrative burden allows your staff to concentrate on what matters most - guiding and supporting your students as they launch their careers.


Key Features & Benefits

For Colleges, Schools and Work Placement Providers

Seamlessly manage placements across T-Levels, CDF, and Study Programs with dedicated modules for each pathway.
Track attendance, logbooks, and employer agreements with ease, ensuring compliance and clear communication between tutors, employers, and students.
Get instant feedback through integrated channels for tutors, employers, and students, fostering continuous improvement and personalised support.
Empower students with our dedicated Student Web App, giving them control over their logbooks, hours, and communication with supervisors.
Gain data-driven insights through our comprehensive Reports Suite, tailored to your college's unique needs. Analyse progress, identify trends, and optimise your placement programs for maximum impact.

For Learners

Access your placement experience anytime, anywhere with our mobile-friendly Student Web App.
Manage logbooks, record hours, and stay updated on progress through our dedicated Student Web App.
Gain valuable insights from employers, tutors, and peers to continuously improve your performance.
Access resources and support to overcome any obstacles you might face during your placement.
Access resources and support to overcome any obstacles you might face during your placement.